Post-pandemic futures – planning to the next decade in a time of uncertainty

Contrary to what is sometimes naively believed by the management of companies - and other public or private entities - the terrorist logic does not only take place in the political or geopolitical sphere, but also in the economic and financial spheres.

Indeed, we are often astonished to note the extent to which the leaders of the economic world are far from feeling concerned by terrorism.

In this case, they are wrong. Why is this so ? How can they be made aware? What positive lessons could they learn from it in their activities and more and more generally in the conduct of their business? Answering those questions is the purpose of this session.

Key Takeaways

  • How to identify terrorism threads
  • How to create awareness throughout the company
  • Diagnostic systems and Implementation guidelines

Speaker Profiles

Dr Jacqueline Ysquierdo Hombrecher  is auditor at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Ministry of the Interior, national session 18° Paris France. 

She teaches Business Intelligence at the Collège de Paris and is analyst in defense and security geopolitics in the Ministry of Defense

She has many years of experience in coaching and consulting both public organizations and companies in economic intelligence and multilingual strategic intelligence. 


Furthermore she is member of the SYNFIE economic intelligence union

Contributor of the European Institute of Safety and Security Studies for Enterprises. 

Régis Dubois Director of Conseil Sécurité Recherche Dissuasion at Colleges of Paris (C-SRD).

After having been in an anti-terrorist division, he joined the Research and Intervention Brigade (BRI) "Anti-Gang Brigade". Prestigious service of the judicial police, whose vocation is the arrest of experienced criminals in flagrante delicto and the resolution of hostage taking. Training for intervention groups in many countries (Benin, Egypt, USA, Togo etc...)

He has participated in more than 200 arrests or management of hostage taking and terrorist acts. 

Régis Dubois is a state-qualified teacher in combat sports and has a black belt in Judo. He was a self defense trainer for the BRI.