International Competitive & Market Intelligence Conference 2024

Shaping the Future of CI/MI in the Age of AI

ICI’s Competitive Intelligence Conference 2024 is THE premier event for professionals and practitioners who want to learn, share, and network with the best minds in the field of competitive and market intelligence.

Do you realize that our business environment is undergoing massive change: Uncertainty rules! Guess what – your CI job has changed as well! By now you are your company’s navigation system. And AI can be your new best friend.

The conference will feature:

  • Presentations by leading experts and thought leaders in competitive and market Intelligence
  • An expert talk: 10 Myths about Large Lang­uage Models (LMMs) such as Chat­GPT for Com­peti­tive/­Mar­ket Intel­li­gence
  • Case studies and success stories from various industries and regions
  • Networking opportunities with peers from around the world

For the last 20 years, our innovative conference concepts have defined our events as THE place to be for CI experts. Since 2004, the ICI has been a leading provider of education and certification in competitive and market intelligence.


Join this interactive, challenging, and inspiring conference and become part of the ICI community!

Date Event Format Berlin

Pre Conference AI Challenge
Registration & Submission open until July 31st.


Sept 19 Pre-Conference Networking Event 
Guided Tour and Diner-Talk
onsite & remote 16:00-20:00
Sept 19

Pre-con­fe­rence Work­shop 

Mastering AI for CI/MI Pro­fes­sio­nals


Sept 20 Conference Day  on-site & remote 09:00-18:00