Battle: Smart Tools for Effective CI/MI

April 13, 2022 – 14:30

(Berlin Time) – Live Session


Virtual Reception: Tools & Techniques, Experiences and Ideas

Network with peers and like-minded professionals about tools, ideas and experiences.


Battle: Smart Tools for Effective CI/MI

Many CI/MI professionals struggle to get their job done – given the high complexity and a heavy workload! The good news is that there are many smart tools for sup­porting indivi­duals to auto­mate MI/CI rou­tine jobs or for ex­ten­ding the en­ve­lope of tasks that in­di­vi­duals can handle. The bad news is how­ever that the tool mar­ket is highly dyna­mic and un­trans­parent. So, peer recom­men­da­tions are key to our com­mu­nity.

In this session CI/MI practitioners will introduce their favorite tools - while the other participants will ask questions!

  • Each practitioner will present a 5-minute showcase of their most recommended tool.
  • After these pitches, we’ll open breakout rooms for each presenter!
  • You can join any of these sessions to learn more about these tools and their practical applications.
  • At the end of the session, we’ll ask you to vote for the most useful and relevant CI/MI tools.

Impressions from prior conferences

Tools can be software, services, databases, or communities either solving or simplifying a typical CI/MI task, e.g. organization of research projects, data visualization and analysis, website monitoring, social media analysis/monitoring, project management, creativity tools, document management, knowledge management, text mining/analysis, patent analysis, reporting/dissemination tools, network analysis, geospatial intelligence tools, databases, and resource indices.



Eric Elgersma, Consultant, Trainer, Author, Faculty ICI, Strategic Analysis Services BV
Eric Elgersma, Consultant, Trainer, Author, Faculty ICI, Strategic Analysis Services BV

CI/MI Knowledge Management with a WIKI

Sascha Klamp, Innovation Management, TREFFERT GmbH & Co. KG
Sascha Klamp, Innovation Management, TREFFERT GmbH & Co. KG

Citavi – Knowledge Extraction for Analysis/Writing

Rainer Michaeli,  Director,  Institute for Com­peti­tive Intel­li­gence
Rainer Michaeli, Director, Institute for Com­peti­tive Intel­li­gence

Reading and Analyzing Chinese Websites for Non-Chinese.

Estelle Prin,  Professeur de Géopolitique; Université Paris Dauphine
Estelle Prin, Professeur de Géopolitique; Université Paris Dauphine

Forecasting for CI Analysts

Thorsten Bill, Project Manager, DIE DENKFABRIK
Thorsten Bill, Project Manager, DIE DENKFABRIK

Low-cost, low-thresh-
hold, non-hie­rar­chi­cal know­ledge ma­na­ge­ment with Tiddly­Wiki

Werner Braun, Competitive Intelligence Business Partner, Sanofi
Werner Braun, Competitive Intelligence Business Partner, Sanofi

How to showcase your favorite tool?

  • Simply send a short email to by February 15th 2022.
  • Indicate your preferred tool. Make sure you can present the tool in this session in a meaningful way to your fellow professionals.
  • Presenters must be practitioners who use these tools for CI/MI tasks – software vendors are not eligible for this session.
  • All accepted presenters will get a free ticket to our conference.


Randomized Coffee Trial

Chat about your favorite tool presented and  exchange ideas on how to go beyond current practices.


  • Learn about smart tools from CI/MI practitioners
  • Pick up ideas for your personal efficiency-boosting choices.
  • Get inspired by peers